Silver lining for Kirsty in Brisbane13/05/10 - Kirsty Bulliss has demonstrated her superior ability in a national vocational training competition and achieved a silver award for her hairdressing skills. Support sustains sisters23/05/10 - Sisters Kayli Wild and Stefany Wayte had a double celebration this week when they both graduated from CDU. Culture, environment come together in PhD’s films19/05/10 - The important role of film in communicating about links between the natural environment and cultural identity is the focus of PhD research just completed through Charles Darwin University. PhD research focuses on Timor-Leste’s maternal health26/05/10 - A Charles Darwin University researcher is working with Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Health to better understand the factors that influence access to maternal health services in remote areas of the country. Territory Doctor receives Honorary Doctorate26/05/10 - Prominent Territory medical practitioner, Dr Sadhana Mahajani has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate during Charles Darwin University’s mid-year graduation ceremony held recently (21 May) on the Casuarina campus in Darwin. Political pioneer receives Honorary Doctorate21/05/10 - Long-serving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Tom Calma has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate during Charles Darwin University’s mid-year graduation ceremony held last night on the Casuarina campus. PhD research targets engagement at Kakadu21/05/10 - Engagement practices at Kakadu National Park need to be reconsidered if growing tensions between state authorities and the Park’s traditional owners are to be relieved. CDU names proposed partner for urban subdivision20/05/10 - Charles Darwin University has named a joint venture between CIC Australia Ltd (CIC) and the Larrakia Development Corporation (LDC) as its preferred partner in the proposed urban subdivision on a portion of Palmerston campus. Sport and race under the microscope19/05/10 - Indigenous athletes in the Northern Territory have been subject to more extreme and prolonged hardships than their southern counterparts, according to research from Charles Darwin University. CDU helps to Can Hunger18/05/10 - More than 300 students are expected to come together to help those less fortunate as part of the Schools for Social Change competition this week. NTG recognises CDU nursing academic in awards18/05/10 - A Charles Darwin University nursing academic has won the professional nurse award at this year’s NT Nursing Awards held recently at Parliament House, as part of International Nursing Day celebrations. Hundreds to robe up for graduation18/05/10 - More than 500 graduands will robe up to receive formal recognition of the successful completion of their studies at Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) mid-year graduation ceremony this week. Exhibition marks International Nurses Day14/05/10 - Charles Darwin University marked International Nurses Day with an exhibition that tracks the achievements of some the Territory’s extraordinary nursing pioneers. Silver lining for Kirsty in Brisbane13/05/10 - Kirsty Bulluss has demonstrated her talents in a national vocational training competition and achieved a silver award for her hairdressing skills. Grow your own at new community garden10/05/10 - All aspiring green thumbs now have the chance to learn to grow their own produce at a new community garden initiated by students at Charles Darwin University. Professor Stehlik appointed Chair for RIRDC10/05/10 - Charles Darwin University’s Director of the School for Social and Policy Research, Professor Daniela Stehlik has been appointed as the Chair of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). Camel course turns the feared to friendly06/05/10 - An inaugural week-long camel handling workshop has proven a huge boost to the locals of Walkabout Bore homelands and Tjitjikala community, south of Alice Springs. Gambling survey a sure bet06/05/10 - The ways in which Alice Springs residents use gambling venues is being investigated as a part of a research project conducted by Charles Darwin University and its partners |