CDU helps to Can Hunger 


More than 300 students are expected to come together to help those less fortunate as part of the Schools for Social Change competition this week.

The Charles Darwin University Students In Free Enterprise team (CDU SIFE) will host the event where Territory high school students will present innovative solutions to social issues affecting their community in the future.

CDU project media coordinator Sally-Anne Orchard said it was a fun way for young people to reflect on social issues and provides a platform for them to have their say in their future.

“The challenge for the students will be to present their ideas on this year’s theme of: What can Australian schools, businesses and community do to minimise the potential damage global warming will have on our future economy and our future quality of life?” she said.

The competition was designed by CDU’s Social Work and Humanitarian and Community Studies students. It aims to generate social consciousness within the young participants, enabling school students to think forward while motivating them to discuss social and business issues in the community.

“There are great prizes to be won and it’s a fantastic learning experience - plus you get to meet other students from around Darwin,” Ms Orchard said. 
CDU students will also incorporate the “Let’s Can Hunger” campaign, and invite all students to participate by bringing a can of food to the event.

“Students are invited to bring a non-perishable item or can for the CDU SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise group) supported Let’s Can Hunger Campaign,” she said. These items will be donated to St Vincent de Paul’s, Homeless Men’s Hostel, Women’s refuge, homeless family services, youth Crises Center, Youth Drop in Center, drug and alcohol rehabilitation and the night patrol and soup van. 

“All donations will help raise hunger awareness and help in the relief effort,” she said.

The competition is at CDU in building Red 6, on Wednesday, May 19 from 9am.

The organisers would also like to thank the following Darwin businesses for their support: Corporate Express, Crazy Clarks, Rent NT, NQX Freight, Brumby’s Bakery, Woolworths and CDU.