Out-going Administrator to join CDU28/10/11 - The out-going Administrator of the Northern Territory, His Honour Mr Tom Pauling AO QC, will join Charles Darwin University as a Professorial Fellow when he completes his term on Sunday 30 October. Territory to turn up heat on young chefs26/10/11 - The nation’s best apprentice chefs are in the Territory to compete in the Australian Culinary Federation’s National Apprentice Competition and battle it out for the title of Australia’s best apprentice chef for 2011. Student pedals toward next life adventure26/10/11 - Fit and energetic Charles Darwin University Honours student Adam Bourke will take the long way home this Christmas – by cycling down the West Australian coast to Perth. CDU to fast-track student accommodation21/10/11 - Charles Darwin University will build up to 100 apartments for low-income students following the Australian Government’s announcement of the National Rental Affordability Scheme Round (NRAS). Expert to share Darwin’s story with Darwin21/10/11 -
A world-renowned Darwinian specialist will be in the Territory next week to deliver a seminar on the life of pioneering naturalist and evolutionary scientist Charles Darwin. Budding designer helps build the Territory19/10/11 - Construction has started on a building designed by a Charles Darwin University graduate as part of his “residential project”, which gave him the opportunity to gain experience with industry while he was studying. Day for students to discover future careers19/10/11 - Territory school students will converge on Charles Darwin University’s Casuarina campus this week to gain their first taste of “uni life” and learn about the opportunities available to them once they finish high school. CDU lecture series honours Austin Asche17/10/11 - The first in an annual lecture series that honours the contribution of The Honourable Austin Asche AC QC to the Northern Territory community will be held at Charles Darwin University this week. Disaster expert warns ‘be prepared’07/10/11 - While there is a grave warning in the worldwide escalation of natural disasters over the past 20 years, a disaster expert believes there is another message apparent – one of humanity’s adaptation to climate change. Triple treat for Top End research scientist05/10/11 - Social scientist Dr Lisa Petheram has three good reasons for returning to the Territory this month: the Charles Darwin Symposium, her academic graduation and the NT Government’s Research and Innovation Awards. |