A Charles Darwin University student has become the first Indigenous person to receive a prestigious scholarship from the Order of Australia Association Foundation.
CDU Bachelor of Social Work student Karynne Lake received one of three scholarships presented by Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO the Administrator of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia at a ceremony on the weekend.
The scholarship valued $40, 000 supports the next generation of leaders by helping promising young Australians from all walks of life to achieve their potential for the benefit of future generations of Australians.
Ms Lake who knows, first hand, the challenges facing children in desperate need of child protection, aspires to work in Child Protection with special emphasis on the placement of foster and adopted children.
Now, as a mother of two children, she is passionately embracing her Social Work degree course at CDU because she can combine her life experiences with sound theory.
The Order of Australia Association Foundation Secretary, Professor Brian O'Keeffe AO said each year the Foundation sponsored scholarships for students with leadership potential who were in their early years of tertiary study.
“The scholarship of $40,000 is tailored to the awardee’s individual needs to include tuition fees, living allowance, text books and equipment,” Professor O'Keeffe said. “It also provides an introduction to and a personal mentoring relationship with a volunteer mentor who is eminent in the chosen field of study of the awardee.”
Professor O'Keeffe said the prime source of funding for the Foundation Scholarships was donations received from Association members and the community. “The Foundation, in consultation with the donor of each scholarship, selects the particular tertiary institution and course of study for the scholarship award,” he said. “Funding for Karynne’s scholarship was generously donated by Mr Nicholas Paspaley AC.”