CDU academic in the running to co-chair national Indigenous body 

CDU's Rhonda Gilchrist is among the final round of candidates in the running to co-chair the National Congress

A Charles Darwin University (CDU) academic is among the final round of candidates in the running to co-chair Australia’s premier representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Nursing lecturer with CDU’s School of Health, Rhonda Gilchrist is one of 10 Indigenous candidates standing for election to the position of co-chair of the National Congress.

An experienced registered nursing manager, Ms Gilchrist has extensive experience in the provision of remote area community health and wellness care.

She has spent many years in adult education and training, with particular emphasis on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education, employment and organisational engagement.

In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Ms Gilchrist also provides academic support for Indigenous and international students in CDU’s Bachelor of Nursing.

The National Congress will elect two co-chairs to head the national representative body.

Current Congress co-chairs Sam Jeffries and Josephine Bourne said there was a great field of experience, expertise and skills among the candidates and that they were confident the Congress would be well led, regardless of who was successful.

"The first elected co-chairs have an extraordinary responsibility on their shoulders," Mr Jeffries said.

"They will lead us over the next two years as the Congress establishes itself as a powerful voice for our members.”

Voting for members to elect the co-chairs will open tomorrow, February 25, and the polls will remain open until March 25.

For details about the candidates and for more information on the National Conference visit