SSPR seminar series 


Kalotina Halkitis and Dr Dean Carson present “The flux… headspace, location-space, tone-ups, build-ups and beef burgers: NT staff turnover uncovered”, on Friday 26 September from 12pm to 1pm.

This seminar examines the impact of employee mobility/turnover on the knowledge sharing, creation and innovation opportunities of Northern Territory hotels, and findings from semi structured interviews with hospitality businesses in the Territory.

As part of her PhD research, Kalotina interviewed managers of four and five star hotels in Darwin, with an aim to understanding the magnitude and consequences of staff turnover, how businesses react and what other major challenges they anticipate for the future.

Special attention was paid to the impact staff turnover has on relationships, knowledge management and idea generation. Although the data confirmed many of the findings from international literature, some important alternative ideas and approaches for relationship and knowledge management in the face of high staff turnover emerged.

This seminar covers material Kalotina and Dean have been asked to prepare for a forthcoming edited book on “Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer: Identifying Competitive Advantage”.

This seminar takes place in Blue 5.1.01, Casuarina campus, Charles Darwin University.