SSPR seminar series 


Philippa Cotter presents ‘Indigenous Australians: Not old but in aged care at 50’, on Friday 12 September 12pm to 1pm.

Philippa Cotter, from CDU’s School for Social and Policy Research, examines policy and services for older Indigenous Australians and the common assumption that premature death also means premature ageing.

Many people think Indigenous Australians age earlier than the non-Indigenous population. This idea is entrenched in policy: for 20 years the age benchmark for aged care service planning has been 70 years and over for non-Indigenous Australians but 50 years for Indigenous people.

But does the Indigenous population aged over 50 have the same conditions and care needs as the non-Indigenous population aged over 70?

Philippa’s presentation challenges a rethink of this policy and the underlying assumption and considers where it has served people well and any unintended consequences. Drawing on findings from analysis of a range of datasets, interviews and policy documents, the presentation offers a fresh look at the nexus between health, aged care and disability policy and services for older Indigenous people.

Philippa Cotter is a research associate with SSPR.

This seminar takes place in Blue 5.1.01, Casuarina campus.