Interactive e-Assessment: More than just multiple choice 


Professor Crisp presents Interactive e-Assessment: More than just multiple choice, from 12-1pm followed by a two hour practical workshop from 2-4pm on Friday 5 September.

Professor Crisp’s seminar will explore innovative ways of assessing online, the product of a recent Carrick fellowship. A hands-on workshop in the Casuarina campus library computer training room will follow, enabling participants to apply the examples presented in the seminar to their discipline.

You will be required to visit before attending the workshop and registering so that you can access a range of examples of online assessment in each discipline.

You will need to create your own account (RHS of the screen). Please do this before attending the workshop and bring your login details with you.

Session locations:

Seminar: Red 6.1.10
Workshop: Library Training room, Level 2, Red 8

You will be required to register for these sessions separately; visit - places are limited.

For further information contact: Lida Yuan on 8946 7774 or

Professor Crisp is Director of the Centre for Learning and Professional Development at The University of Adelaide.

This visit is sponsored by ODLAA (Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia). For further information visit