Fantasy fix or calculated change? Mal Brough to talk about Intervention 


President of the Queensland Liberal Party and former Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Mal Brough will share behind-the-scenes deliberations of the 2007 Northern Territory Emergency Response into Indigenous affairs when he visits Charles Darwin University early next week.

Participating in a national seminar series co-hosted by CDU and the Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), Mr Brough will give a unique insight into the machinations of government, and the private and public challenges politicians face when confronting issues of national significance.

From the announcement of the Intervention in June 2007 to the Federal election in November that same year, he will discuss the blocks he faced both within and outside government, and will respond to some of the continued criticisms. He also will share the strategising and decision making in the lead up to the Intervention and the demands placed on him as Minister.

Mr Brough will outline what factors convinced him that the Intervention was the correct policy response to Indigenous disadvantage, and detail the hopes and fears he had attached to such a dramatic call to action.

He will appear at the Mal Nairn Auditorium, Casuarina campus at 11am on Monday 28 July for the seminar which is free and open to the public.

The presentation will be video-conferenced to CDU’s Alice Springs campus, the University of Notre Dame in Broome and AIATSIS in Canberra.

Details about the seminar series Indigenous public policy: responses from the ground are available at


Shane Thamm
Research and Communications Officer
School for Social and Policy Research
8946 6153