Students are invited to attend wireless access classes hosted by CDU’s Information Technology and Management Support.
Lessons are for English installs of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS. Students are asked to ensure that the above are updated with the latest security patches and have Antivirus Software installed.
Sessions will be held on the following dates, times, locations:
- Monday 28 July: 10am-12pm in Orange 1.3.13
- Wednesday 30 July: 1-3pm in Orange 1.3.05
- Friday 1 August: 10am-12pm in Orange 1.3.13
- Wednesday 6 August: 10am-12pm in Orange 1.3.14
- Friday 8 August: 1-3pm in Orange 1.3.13
- Monday 11 August: 1-3pm in Orange 1.3.13
Email for your preferred bookings.