The MALU set-up for teaching
The success of Charles Darwin University’s portable learning classrooms has been boosted with the announcement of expanded training in Laynhapuy Homelands in Arnhem Land located at the top end of the NT.
It builds upon a positive working relationship with the Laynhapuy Homelands Association located at Yirrkala and CDU to deliver training to the 800 Yolngu people Laynhapuy represents.
Bronte Cooper, Senior VET Advisor for remote projects at CDU said the unit proves an invaluable training arm for the homelands.
"In an area enthusiastically embracing education, this unit provides cost-effective, comfortable classrooms and facilities that are critical to supporting training solutions in Arnhem Land,” he said
The Mobile Adult Learning Unit (MALU) is one of three at CDU. It will be stationed at Gan Gan, 180 kilometres east of Nhulunbuy, one of five training hubs for the 19 homelands that are represented by Laynhapuy.
The MALU 2 unit is fully air-conditioned with enclosed lecturer accommodation, cooking and bathroom/shower facilities.
CDU Sports and Recreation lecturer Mr Bill Adams is the first to take up residence in the MALU, teaching units from the CDU Cert II in sports and recreation program.
This will be followed by other CDU lecturers providing training in areas of numeracy and literacy, introductory courses in vocational education, community services, automotive, engineering/welding, rural operations, essential services operations, business and construction, which are to be delivered this year.
The CDU prime mover has relocated the classroom from Ramingining for the 250km trek which Peter Rose, CDU remote field officer, said was a logistical adventure.
"Deviating around fallen trees across the road, dodging buffalo and crossing deep rivers which made the trip challenging but enjoyable," he said.
The latest MALU relocation builds upon training programs and schedules agreed by CDU and the homelands.
Bronte Cooper, Senior VET Advisor at CDU, said the MALU Unit was an exciting option for training delivery in the homelands until more permanent remote training facilities can be built within the hub communities.
"The Laynhapuy communities are embracing the opportunity to learn within their own homelands and provision of this MALU will assist in supporting CDU staff to deliver training on country,” he said.
He thanked Sandra Grainger, Training Coordinator and Dhangatji Mununggurr Training Officer from Laynhapuy Homelands Association, for their co-ordination, commitment and enthusiasm for ongoing training in the homelands.
"They clearly see the advantages that the contribution of permanent training facilities located in the homelands will make, which is complemented initially by CDU providing the mobile classroom for the delivery of training to Yolngu people. CDU is committed to long-term outcomes,” he said.
Laynhapuy Homelands Association is responsible for the delivery of multiple services including training to more than 800 residents over 19 homelands in Arnhem Land in addition to a further six Gapuwiyak homelands also to come under the auspices of Laynhapuy.
Students will travel to five training hubs at Gan Gan, Yilpara, Wandaway, Dhalinbuy, and Garrthalala in order to access training that is to be provided by CDU.