CDU gives grassroots advice to Territory gardeners 


CDU’s School of Horticulture will host a Productive Gardening event this weekend, with a special focus on tropical gardening.

The event is part of the Open Garden Scheme and will provide gardeners of all abilities practical tips and advice on how to have a productive Top End garden.

Although a typical Open Garden event involves opening a private garden to the public, CDU’s School of Horticulture wanted to do something unique to the Territory, as it is the first time anyone from the Northern Territory has participated in the scheme.

The Productive Garden event is aimed at gardeners at all levels of interest and experience.

Novice gardeners and newcomers to Darwin can find out everything they need to know about preparing their garden in time for this year’s veggie season.

Everyone who attends the seminars, including green-thumbed garden aficionados, will have an opportunity to meet and speak with gardening experts Leonie Norrington (Gardening Australia), Chris Nathanael (tropical fruit guru) and Emily Stevenson (teacher of short gardening courses).

There will be two sessions each day, starting at 9.30am and 1.30pm.

Morning sessions will cover organic gardening, soil preparation, fertilisers, pests and diseases.

Afternoon sessions will focus on fruit growing and examining the best varieties of vegetables and herbs for our climate.

There also will be afternoon talks on aquaculture, an area of special interest to the School.

The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday April 26 and 27 at the School of Horticulture at Charles Darwin University, Casuarina campus.

From Ellengowan Drive turn into the CDU campus, and look for the yellow Open Garden signs.

An entry fee of $6 will cover admission and entry to all sessions. Proceeds will go to the RSPCA.

There will be tea, coffee and cool drinks for sale, supplied by Jingili School.

For further information, contact Scott McDonald of CDU’s School of Tropical Horticulture on 8946 7254 or 0438 467 157 or Sue Dibbs, NT coordinator, Australian Open Garden Scheme by email: