Charles Darwin University’s Ruth Wallace has been recognised with a major award at the recent Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA) Conference.
Ms Wallace, Director of the Social Partnerships in Learning Research Consortium (SPiL), was presented with the Early Career Research Award for her paper, ‘Working from our strengths: Indigenous enterprise and training in action and research’.
The paper, co-authored by Cathy Curry, Executive Office CHARTTES and Richard Agar from Kimberley College of TAFE, was presented by General Manager, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Mark Cully at the conference dinner.
“This is the first year that AVETRA and NCVER have offered this award, coming together to meet a common goal of building VET researcher capacity,” Ms Wallace said.
SPiL is made up of cutting edge researchers and practitioners in the VET field with specialisations in Indigenous Education in the north of Australia.
Two institutions, Charles Darwin University and TAFEWA Kimberley have developed the partnership over the past four years building education expertise within both institutes that has been recognised at a state, national and international level.
NCVER has announced a series of projects with an emphasis on early career researchers.
Papers from the AVETRA conference will be available on their website at shortly.