A group of high school careers advisors recently attended an information day at Charles Darwin University (CDU).
The full day program of events delivered information about CDU’s higher education courses to 30 delegates, including 10 visitors from South Australia.
The remaining 20 careers advisors were from the Northern Territory, representing Darwin, Alice Springs, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Wadeye.
Speakers from the faculties provided information on course programs and career pathways available to students of different disciplines.
Various modes of learning were discussed, as well as an explanation of the tools and technologies employed by CDU to allow students greater access to learning.
The address from keynote speaker CDU Professor of Management (Accounting), Gweneth Norris was well received.
Professor Norris spoke about corporate social responsibility, giving examples from the practices and management decisions of companies in the United Kingdom who promoted themselves as being socially responsible.
She spoke about the discrepancies she found between the information given to the public in companies’ annual reports and the reality experienced by staff and other stakeholders of the companies.
The career advisors reported the presentations gave them greater insight into the courses and culture at CDU.
They said other highlights of the event were tours of the university campuses at Casuarina and Palmerston, and of Darwin city.