Dr Danielle Warfe presents ‘The role of flow variability in river management: A Tasmanian study addressing assumptions in environmental flow recommendations’, on Friday 14 March from 1pm to 2pm.
Dr Warfe’s seminar presents a three-year project that is being conducted in Tasmania to investigate how flow variability regulates the physical heterogeneity, biodiversity and ecological processes of riverine ecosystems.
The project is specifically targeted towards understanding the effects of different flow regimes in unregulated rivers, and therefore addresses assumptions common to unregulated rivers across Australia, including the tropics.
It is anticipated that this project will provide a better picture what rivers of different natural flow regimes should look like, and what the consequences of departure from those flow regimes will be, which will ultimately lead to improved river management.
Dr Warfe is a TRaCK research fellow with the School for Environmental Research.
This seminar takes place in room 1, building 22, Charles Darwin University’s Casuarina campus.