Simply by providing your university email address (you must use your valid CDU e-mail address) for verification purposes, you could be one of a million Australian students at 43 Australian universities to purchase Office Ultimate 2007 online.
What you get in Office Ultimate 2007:
- Microsoft Office Access 2007
- Microsoft Office Excel 2007
- Microsoft Office Groove 2007
- Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007
- Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
- Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
- Microsoft Office Publisher 2007
- Microsoft Office Word 2007
This offer runs until 15 May 2008 and allows a student to purchase one copy of Office Ultimate 2007 for $75 or, $25 for a period of one year. There is also an opportunity to enter in the Golden Blog Awards for the chance to win a $10,000 CANVAS Prepaid Visa Card.
Want more info? Contact the ITMS Service Desk on 8946 6600 or visit the ‘It’s not cheating’ website at