Menzies seminar series 



Dr Steve Guthridge present ‘Incidence and survival for acute myocardial infarction in the NT’, on Monday 10 November from 12-1pm.

The Health Gains Planning branch within the Department of Health and Families undertakes specialised analysis and reporting in health economics, epidemiology and demography to inform policy development and service provision in the Northern Territory.

In this seminar, Dr Guthridge will discuss a new study conducted with co-investigators Judy You, John Condon and Yuejen Zhao, which investigates the increasing mortality rates from ischaemic heart disease in the NT Aboriginal population at a time of decline in the general Australian population.

The study has utilised three administrative datasets to estimate the incidence and survival rates of acute myocardial infarction through the period from 1992 to 2004.

This seminar will highlight the substantial changes that have occurred for both populations, during a period of declining national smoking prevalence, improved access to early treatment, and increasing specialisation in the management of ischaemic heart disease.

This seminar takes place in the Menzies Seminar Room, John Mathews Building, Royal Darwin Hospital Campus.