Menzies seminar series 


David Malone, Teresa Hart, Ross Muir and Jonathan Carapetis present ‘Territory 2030: Have your say’, on Monday 3 November from 12pm to 1pm.
On 28 October, 2008 the Chief Minister announced that a 'whole of Territory' strategic plan for the Northern Territory was to be developed.
To be known as ‘Territory 2030’, the 20 year plan will address issues such as prosperity, wellbeing, the environment, sustainable communities and expanding opportunities.
A steering committee, including Menzies Director Jonathan Carapetis, has been established to provide independent advice to Government during the development of the Territory 2030 Strategic Plan; to provide leadership during the community engagement process, and again during the development of the Plan; and to reconvene on a periodic basis to review Government’s progress against the Plan.
During the development of the Plan the Territory Growth Planning Unit will be looking to engage with organisations such as Menzies and CDU to draw on existing experience and knowledge.
This seminar will provide one of the first opportunities to contribute to an open discussion on the Territory 2030 Plan and the future of the Northern Territory.
David Malone is Executive Director, Teresa Hart, Manager Social Inclusion, and Ross Muir, Manager Economic Development, Territory Growth Planning Unit; Jonathan Carapetis is the Director, Menzies School of Health Research.
This seminar takes place in the Menzies Seminar Room, John Mathews Building, Royal Darwin Hospital Campus.