Study skills workshops 


Charles Darwin University LearnLink is pleased to offer students a range of study skills workshops.

Bring your lunch to these one-hour practical workshops and learn the secret codes for study success.

All workshops will be held from 12-1pm in building 24, room 10.

Monday 3 September – Reading, note-taking, avoiding plagiarism
Thursday 6 September – Referencing

Monday 10 September – Oral presentations
Thursday 13 September – Preparing for exams

Monday 17 September – Time management
Thursday 20 September – Assignment writing

Monday 24 September – Reading, note-taking, avoiding plagiarism
Thursday 27 September – Referencing

Monday 8 October – Oral presentations
Thursday 11 October – Preparing for exams

For further information, contact Academic Skills Faciliatator Geoff Etches on 8946 7197 or at