Students enrolled in CUC106 Design and Innovation: Communicating Technology in Semester 1 2007 will have their designs judged in a presentation on Friday 1 June.
CUC106 Design and Innovation: Communicating Technology is part of Charles Darwin University’s Common Unit program which provides beginning university students with the fundamental academic skills and background knowledge for academic success.
Students, enrolled in this common unit, develop their skills in written and verbal communication, research and group work through their participation in a group project. For the projects, each group conceives of and builds a useful innovation which they describe and justify in written and verbal reports.
Students have been involved in semi-finals this week, and Friday’s finals presentation will showcase the groups with the most innovative designs and the most professional presentation skills.
The finals will be judged by industry experts, Peter Tonkin, NT manager for GHD, Elisha Harris, engineer with GHD, and Trevor Horman, manager Sustainable Energy with PowerWater.
The finals take place from 5pm in room 15/16, building 41, Casuarina Campus – all welcome, with refreshments to follow.