Dr Michael Douglas presents ‘On TRACK: The Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge research hub’, on Friday 27 April from 1pm to 2pm.
Northern Australia’s rivers and coasts of are widely recognised for outstanding natural values. The region also has the world’s oldest living culture, which continues to actively manage many of these ecosystems using Indigenous knowledge.
The area faces significant environmental challenges associated with increasing pressure for economic development, as well as managing existing threats including weeds and feral animals. Previous investment in research in the region has been insufficient to fully address these multi-faceted challenges.
The Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge (TRACK) research hub, a major new research initiative, brings together a multidisciplinary consortium to focus on the rivers and coasts between the tip of Cape York Peninsula and Broome in Western Australia.
The TRACK research program has been developed through close collaboration of researchers and key stakeholders and aims to identify the important natural assets and ecosystem services and understand how these are sustained; assess the implications and viability of potential developments; and identify opportunities to develop genuinely sustainable and culturally-appropriate enterprises.
The research program is designed to generate and share the knowledge needed by regional NRM bodies, governments, Indigenous communities and industry. This will underpin the sustainable management of tropical rivers and coastal environments while fostering opportunities for the region’s people to develop improved and sustainable livelihoods.
Dr Douglas is the Director of TRaCK, in Charles Darwin University’s School for Environmental Research.
To view the abstract for this seminar and information about past and present SER seminars go to: www.cdu.edu.au/ser/Seminars.html
This seminar takes place in room 1, building 22 (22.01), Casuarina Campus, Charles Darwin University.