The group discussing business models
Ten people from remote Arnhemland communities visited Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) Casuarina Campus recently in search of ways to develop more efficient and independent small businesses.
The visit was part of a collaborative research and capacity building project (www.cdu.edu.au/inc), which aims to develop sustainable livelihoods in remote communities.
The group attended a Computer Business Workshop at the School of Australian Indigenous Knowledge Systems, where they set up email accounts, experimented with web-based communication software and learnt some of the basic skills required to maintain a computer for a micro business. The workshop was funded by Indigenous Business Australia.
Associate Professor Michael Christie, who coordinated the project with John Greatorex and Bryce King, said: “The knowledge they have learnt will be transferred to the work they already undertake in their communities. This includes interpreting, transcription and translation work, cultural awareness training, eco-tourism, craft marketing, internet banking and cooperative store development.”
The group also worked with software that can be used in intergenerational knowledge transmission, including satellite images and working with images of plants and animals.
More information can be found at the Indigenous Knowledge and Resource Management in Northern Australia website.