Nhulunbuy staff take precautions in the office
If moving from Melbourne and starting as the new Campus Administrator for Charles Darwin University in Nhulunbuy weren’t enough, Carina Bekkers also had a cyclone on her hands during her first week in the job.
"We were prepared for the worst and spent all Friday afternoon packing and taping up as it was expected to be a big one," she said.
Fortunately, cyclone Monica passed at a safe distance off the Northern Territory coastline and after spending 24 hours indoors under strict orders from Emergency Services, things are returning to normal.
Only one Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Workshop, scheduled for Sunday and Monday had to be cancelled.
Ms Bekkers is the final Campus Administrator appointment to be made in line with the University’s goal to strengthen its presence in regional and remote areas of the Northern Territory.
Other appointments have already been made at the Katherine, Alice Springs and Palmerston campuses.
It’s been an interesting road to Nhulunbuy for Ms Bekkers, who left her home in Holland in 1985 with a tertiary qualification in Communication (Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising), to live and work in several countries.
Ms Bekkers’ experience covers various sectors, providing her with a high level of adaptability and a broad skill base in areas such as administration, change management, performance management and occupational health and safety, as well as the ability to work in stand-alone jobs.
She has a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management from Deakin University and was most recently the HR Manager for an alcohol and other drug rehabilitation and education agency in Melbourne.
Last month, Ms Bekkers moved with her family to Nhulunbuy, so her husband could take up a position with the Gove District Hospital.
“We are all looking forward to the experience of living in a small community. I am particularly looking forward to becoming involved in the community to enhance and promote CDU as well as applying my skills to the benefit of the University, staff and students at the Nhulunbuy campus,” Ms Bekkers said.