The Secretariat for the Partnership Agreement has developed a framework for shared staffing arrangements in collaboration with the NTG Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment. The framework will provide CDU and the Partnership Agreement with a standard and centralised system for setting up such arrangements.
Guidelines and templates are provided within the framework for staff to refer to in developing shared staff arrangements; contact details for assistance are also provided. It is intended that the templates provide the basis for each arrangement with the complex detail around each individual arrangement to be negotiated between the relevant parties. It is hoped that feedback on the framework will be provided to the Secretariat so that improvements can continue to be made.
Staff should inform me of any arrangements that are being contemplated. Trish Whalan, Manager Remuneration and Benefits within People Management and Development will be responsible for assisting staff with the development of the arrangements and for co-ordinating the details of those on such arrangements. In order to establish a comprehensive and accurate picture of the number and type of arrangement currently in place, Trish will be in contact with each Faculty and/or School shortly to undertake an audit of any such arrangements.
The full version of the Staff Sharing Framework is available on the Partnership Agreement website at
Scholarship Protocols
In order to encourage NT Government agencies to sponsor CDU undergraduates, Work Integrated Learning Scholarships (WILS), which combine full-time tertiary education with work experience during the end of year break, have been designed to give NT Government agencies access to high performing students who are undertaking courses in relevant areas. The Secretariat to the Partnership Agreement has developed a WILS protocol to assist CDU staff involved in establishing scholarships with the Northern Territory Government and to encourage NT Government agencies to sponsor suitable students. The protocol will also facilitate a consistent and streamlined approach to the administration of the WILS Scholarships. The Department of the Chief Minister is the first agency to take up a WILS Scholarship and whilst most Scholarships will commence at the start of the academic year, this one will commence in Semester 2, 2006.
For further information please visit the Partnership Agreement website.