24 hour storm data collection at CDU ,and daily briefings in the uni,s Mal Nairn theatre
The Faculty of Education, Health and Science in conjunction with scientists from TWP-ICE host an Open Day on Sunday 5 February from 10am to 3pm at Charles Darwin University’s Casuarina campus.
A great range of activities and displays on the day include:
- Presentations by world-renowned scientists
- Bureau of Meteorology weather balloon
- Important cyclone information
- CDU course information
Food and drinks will be available with the Coffee Shop open from 10am to 2pm.
CDU’s Faculty of Education, Health and Science is home to the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE). This month-long weather experiment involving over 200 scientists from 10 countries and 30 institutions, aims to improve our understanding of clouds and our ability to make accurate weather and climate forecasts.
The Open Day takes place in foyer of Building 23, Charles Darwin University. For open day information, call 8946 6032.
Download a copy of the Open Day flier.