Valerie Malibirr, Darren Wanybarrnga, Marcey Garrawurra with CDU printmaking lecturer Leon Stainer
Senior secondary students from Ramingining Community Education Centre visited Charles Darwin University’s Casuarina Campus in October to find out more about the Campus and courses of study.
The students participated in tours and information sessions run by lecturers from the schools of trades, education, health sciences and creative arts and humanities, as well as a session by the Indigenous Academic Support Unit (IASU).
The sessions provided the students with the chance to engage in discussions about the types of higher education and VET courses available at CDU, as well as educational pathways, career opportunities and university life.
The students started their day on campus with an introduction to the University by the Indigenous Academic Support Unit. The group found out about the services and facilities available for enrolled Indigenous students, the role of the IASU and what to expect as a university student.
Students were taken on a tour of Casuarina Campus by Cynthia Coyne, Community and Access Indigenous academic support lecturer, visiting the areas which teach trades, fashion, visual arts, multimedia, fitness, sport and recreation, as well as education and health, in which the students and their teachers were particularly interested.
Most of the students play basketball and especially enjoyed the ‘Fitness, sport and recreation’ session. Teacher aid Sofia Yinakarragarr said the Ramingining community does not have a sport and recreation officer and hoped that one or two of the students would be interested in doing a sport and recreation course to gain qualifications in this area to bring back in the community.
The day ended in the Chinese Gardens with Mission Australia’s Joe Kelly talking to the group about the role and functions of the Indigenous Youth Mobility Program (IYMP). Students and teachers then visited the IYMP accommodation facilities at North Flinders International House and Berrimah.
Community and Access secondary school liaison officer, Trisha Kohlweg said the day provided an opportunity for the students to familiarise themselves with the University, investigate their tertiary study options, meet staff in the Indigenous Academic Support Team and gather information on courses to consider for their future.
For information about the role and function of the Indigenous Academic Support Unit visit www.cdu.edu.au/study/indigacadsupport.html or contact the unit on 8946 6479. Contact Trisha Kohlweg on 8946 6387 about CDU’s senior secondary level student tours and information sessions.