Nhulunbuy - active in the community 


Lecturers from Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) Nhulunbuy Campus headed out into the community recently reaching the Saturday morning shopping crowd with up-to-date information on CDU courses available through the Campus.

Mobile access to the CDU website also provided a good opportunity to demonstrate ‘live’ how LearnLine operates and allowed people to surf the CDU website for course and general information.

Employment and Training Round Table meeting

Don Zoellner, Pro Vice-Chancellor Community and Access, and Carina Bekkers, campus administrator, recently participated in the Employment and Training Round Table meeting hosted by the Minister for Employment and Training.

This forum provided regional business, industry, community and client groups with the opportunity to provide the Minister with feedback on governmental employment and training initiatives and discuss current issues.

Participants requested a more geographically detailed labour market report on skills shortages within the region enabling a targeted investment approach to address actual areas of need. Traineeships were a key topic with an identified need to increase opportunities for young people in the East Arnhem region. All participants expressed the commitment to work together to achieve this.


Paul Fitzsimons, director Remote Coordination, and Carina Bekkers were part of the CDU team at the Garma Festival, 3-7 August. Assisting in various ways, Paul and Carina’s main purpose in attending was to represent the Remote Coordination Team, the ‘eyes and ears’ of the University in the bush and the first point of contact for communities’ teaching, learning and research opportunities.

Vist the Nhulunbuy Campus website.