CDU researchers showcase current projects 

Cannon Hill panel by Caroline Rannersberger

The inaugural Charles Darwin University (CDU) Postgraduate Symposium: Right place, Right people, Right time, gets underway on Friday 11 August 2006 and offers postgraduate research students an opportunity to discuss and present their current projects to their peers and a wider audience.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research Professor Bob Wasson, who leads CDU’s Institute of Advanced Studies that coordinates research activities, says the symposium offers postgraduate students a chance to gain experience in presenting and discussing their work in a conference setting.

“For researchers, CDU has many advantages. Small and specialised, we offer unique opportunities to study a range of tropical and desert knowledge disciplines including Indigenous studies, social policy, environmental management and medicine,” Professor Wasson said.

Papers to be presented include The social life of the computer in Ramingining presented by Anthea Nicholls, The conservation management of seed-eating birds in tropical Australia by Stewart Huxtable, Sublime Territory: Contemporary romantic landscape painting by Caroline Rannersberger and What can the language teacher do to motivate students? by Mikiko Kawano.

The Keynote address will be given by Dr David Richie, Chief Executive of NTG Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts and the first session will be a panel discussion on demystifying research.

The Symposium will conclude with a cocktail function in the Chinese Gardens.

CDU Postgraduate Symposium: Right place, Right people, Right time

Date: Friday 11 August
Time: 8.45am to 5.00pm
Venue: CDU Casuarina Campus, Building 24

Go to for full program details and copies of abstracts.