Education students go back to school 


Over 50 first year education students had their teaching models on show at an exhibition recently launched by Charles Darwin University's Head of School of Education, Professor David Lynch.

The students spent this semester designing, producing and critiquing education models that can be used as teaching aids in the classroom.

Senior lecturer in Maths Education Vivekanand Mohan-Ram said: “The students were able to experience for themselves the process involved in designing and producing a project such as this.

“As a result, when these future teachers ask their own students to undertake a similar project, they will have already gained experience doing it themselves, and will have a clear understanding of the processes involved.”

As part of the critiquing process, the students tested their models with children in local schools. Using the feedback from this, they were able to evaluate their models and make amendments where necessary.

Students sourced ideas and materials for their models from libraries, magazines and shops, and shared ideas and research with each other.