Power and Water training information sessions 


Charles Darwin University with its consortium partners Connell Wagner and Group Training NT has been awarded a major contract to deliver training services to Power and Water for six years.

The contract covers training from certificate to PhD but initially most of the training will be in the VTE area.

The University’s Business Development unit will be holding information sessions - all are welcome but it is very important for staff who will be directly involved to be well-informed. You may join any of the below sessions, but where convenient faculty/school based people should endeavour to attend the session in their faculty.

Each one hour session will introduce you to the project team, give you an outline of the project, the contract, some of the processes involved and what is expected of CDU in delivering these services.

Technology: Thursday 25 May, 11am, in the Mal Nairn Auditorium
*This session will be videolinked to the Harold Garner Room at the Alice Springs campus

LBA: Friday 26 May, 2pm in room 24.01

EHS: Tuesday 30 May, 9am in room 23.01

For all sessions, please RSVP to alyson.mckay@cdu.edu.au.