SSPR seminar series 


Stephen Garnett presents ‘Keeping talent for treating Territory teeth – a pilot study of professional mobility’, on Friday 16 March from 12pm to 1pm.

Healthy teeth are an important component of healthy people. But, like many regional areas, the Northern Territory is short of dentists.

In 2006 a pilot study was undertaken to discover what attracts dental professionals to the Territory – why some stay for a long time and why many leave.

Professor Stephen Garnett’s presentation will describe the methodology used in that study and its results. The work is part of a larger study of professional mobility in the Territory, itself part of a project on the causes and consequences of population turnover.

Stephen Garnett is Professor of Tropical Knowledge with the Institute of Advanced Studies. A biologist by training, he has amongst his current roles the fostering the research needed to grow a knowledge economy in the Northern Territory. Knowledge workers are a pivotal part of that endeavour, and are increasingly seen as the key to any growing economy.

While there is an enormous depth of traditional knowledge in the Territory, the economy also needs to import and keep trained professionals from a whole range of disciplines if society is to function, let alone prosper. This includes the knowledge workers who keep our teeth functioning.

This seminar takes place in room 39, level 1, building 39, Casuarina Campus, Charles Darwin University.

Visit the School for Social and Policy Research website for more information about this and other SER seminars.