MSHR weekly seminar 


Professor Jonathan Carapetis presents ‘Global rheumatic heart disease control - the Darwin connection’, on Monday 5 February from 12pm to 1pm.

Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease occur at world record rates in Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. We now know that ARF and RHD occur in most developing countries, and that these diseases are substantial causes of death and disability around the world.

The past few years has seen considerable activity on a number of fronts in the attempts to control ARF and RHD in Australia and around the world. Research and public health activities in the NT are at the epicentre of many of these global strategies.

Professor Jonathan Carapetis is Director of the Menzies School of Health Research.

This seminar takes place in the Menzies Seminar Room, John Mathews Building, Royal Darwin Hospital Campus.