2006 Carrick Awards 


Teaching and Learning Development Group (TLDG) is supporting applications for the 2006 Carrick Awards for Australian University Teaching. The awards are a great opportunity allowing CDU staff to showcase contributions to teaching and learning.

Last year TLDG supported four applications for the awards, including an Aboriginal language project developed by a CDU team with Yolngu Aboriginal community leaders, which won the Prime Minister’s Award for University Teacher of the Year.

In 2005 individual teaching award nominations were in the categories, Arts and Humanities and Early Career. Institutional award applications were in the categories, provision of support services (on, and/or off campus) that assist the learning of students and enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning in the applicants’ institution.

In 2006 the awards scheme has been expanded with a twenty fold increase in prize money.

There are two categories of awards are:

Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (210 awards of $10 000) were called for earlier in the year and up to ten staff from CDU have taken up the challenge to submit an application. Submission closed Friday 7 April.

The second are awards for Teaching Excellence and Programs that Enhance Learning (40 awards of $25 000). Staff interested in applying for these awards should contact Margaret Landrigan at TLDG to ensure they meet the June deadline.

TLDG will also be coordinating the inaugural CDU awards (a range of awards worth in total $40 000). News of these awards and process for application will be circulated early Semester 2 2006.

TLDG encourage you to promote these awards and consider applying to showcase your contribution to teaching and learning.