Free MSHR seminar 

Professor Barclay and Dr Gao Yu working in Sichuan Province

Professor Lesley Barclay, Dr Amanda Harris, Dr Suzanne Belton and Dr Gao Yu present ‘Preliminary findings: Improving birth outcomes in China’, on Monday 21 August from 12pm.

Professor Lesley Barclay, Dr Amanda Harris, Dr Suzanne Belton and Dr Gao Yu are currently conducting a study in two provinces in China investigating the impact of policy on birth outcomes. As part of their data a total of 15 hospitals will eventually be investigated across a broad range of geographical and socio-demographic characteristics.

This presentation reports early findings on maternal health outcomes from four hospitals the group audited in Sichuan Province, South West China in 2005/6.

This presentation takes place in the Menzies Seminar Room, John Mathews Building, Royal Darwin Hospital campus.

Visit the Menzies School of Health Research website.