Alice Springs campus hitting full speed 

Alice Springs campus hitting full speed

Campus administrator Dianne Underwood reports: The year in Alice Springs has started at a cracking pace.

VTE enrolment days on February 1 and 2 were well supported, with staff attending the information session for prospective students.

Staff from a number of different schools are settling into the new building, and classes have started.  There are a number of teething problems which are being sorted in quick order – thanks to Kath Watson for her coordination efforts in dealing with issues large and small.

A number of staff have left : Meg Daniels, VTE Enrolment Officer is moving to Darwin, Elizabeth Reilly, Customer Services Assistant to University in Queensland, and Renz Loto and Dale Atkinson to other positions in Alice Springs.

A number of new staff are due to start or have taken on new roles:  Rob McKeown has returned from his stint in the Army to take up the challenge of the ALU, Justin Busse and Jim Rebbechi have taken on roles in Trades, Louise Croft will fill the Centre Administrator role, Maggie Prow is the new Hairdressing lecturer and Alan Murray has taken on the challenge of Remote Field Officer.

Amanda (Mandy) Cawthorne-Crosby has taken up the challenge of Co-ordinator Pathways – whilst Karrina Betschart takes a well earned break after the birth of her son.

The next month will be particularly busy for the campus with Orientation for Higher Education students planned for February 21, an International Women’s Day lunch held in conjunction with the Office of the Chief Minister on March 6 and the Alice Springs Expo on March 9 and 10.