CDU Alice Springs becomes a foreign affair 

Indonesian exchange student, Wawan, is completing three weeks of work experience at CDU's Alice Springs library

Indonesian exchange student Darmawan Hadi (known as Wawan) is completing three weeks of work experience at Charles Darwin University’s (CDU) Alice Springs library.

He arrived in Alice Springs from Darwin on Saturday with 17 other Indonesian students who are all participants in the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program, sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

They are all staying with host families in town and completing work experience relevant to their studies.

Wawan is completing final studies in education (teaching) at his home province of West Nusa Tengarra on the island of Lombok.

He will be based at the CDU Alice Springs library and is keen to meet other members of the university community.

He said the experience will help him learn more about Australians generally and their workplace culture.

‘I am very excited about meeting Australians and seeing how they operate at work,’ he said.

The Indonesian students also complete cultural performances at local schools.

A group of Australian students will travel to Indonesia with the guests for a two month exchange in a chosen province of Indonesia.